Frequently Asked Questions


When I try to compile FTGL it complains about a missing file from the include: #include <ft2build.h>

FTGL relies on FreeType 2 for opening and decoding font files. This include is the main include for FreeType. You will need to download Freetype 2 and install it. Then make sure that the FTGL project that you are using points to your FreeType installation.

Is it possible to map a font to a "unit" size? My application relies on the fonts being a certain "physical" height (in OpenGL coordinate space) rather than a point size in display space. Any thoughts/suggestions?

We can do anything:) It would be easy to allow you to set the size in pixels, though I'm not sure this is what you want. Setting the size to 'OpenGL units' may be a bit harder. What does 1.0 in opengl space mean and how does that relate to point size? For one person it might mean scaling the font up, for someone else it may mean scaling down. Plus bitmaps and pixmaps have a pixel to pixel relationship that you can't change.

Here's some guidelines for vector and texture fonts. Take note that I say 'should' a lot :)

Couple of extra things to note:

Early on I did a lot of head scratching over the OpenGL unit to font size thing because when I was first integrating FTGL into my engine the fonts weren't the size I was expecting. I was tempted to build in some scaling but I decided doing nothing was the best approach because you can't please everyone. Plus it's 'correct' as it is.

Generated on Thu Jun 12 14:45:00 2008 for FTGL by  doxygen 1.5.6